Monday, January 18, 2016

Journal Two- Kristen

Hey guys, my name is Kristen Orewiler and I'm a sophomore here at OSUM and I'm majoring in Strategic Communications. I'm super excited to be in this class because I secretly love to write and  share stories with everyone. I had Mike last year in English and I guarantee you'll love his class, he's an awesome professor (and no, I'm not trying to get brownie points)! I'm always searching to have a good time. My sister Shay and I are very close and I normally always have a blast with her. She's my best friend and we're always looking to create new memories. I'm definitely a family person! I also love to travel. I've been to many different places and hope to continue my journey as I get older. Some of my hobbies include; reading, watching Netflix, coaching basketball and hanging out with my friends. A little fun fact about me is I have family in Florida and I visit them once a year and when I go to vist we go shark fishing. It is so much fun but also very scary if you're not careful. If any of you ever get the chance to go, you definitely should.
I'm in the back with the plaid shirt and Shay is in front.

What struck me the most when reading about the beliefs was the third one, writing is a process. I agree with this 100% because I think practice makes perfect. Writing is very easy to pick up and everyone has an equal opportunity to write. It takes several years to really become good at something since there is always room for improvement. I think this fact struck me because it's something that I can definitely relate to. I love to read and write both but I'm still getting better every time I read and/or write. Lucky for us, it's something most of us do on a daily basis which helps a lot when I comes to practicing these life skills.
We also need imagination and creativity in our lives. I think this is very important to have because it helps makes us the people we are today. I love to imagine because it helps me create the goals I set for everyday life. Also creativity is very important. I like being creative because I believe we are our own person and what makes us so special is we are all nothing a like. That's being creative and that's what makes a person so special. We use imagination and creativity in our lives on a daily basis. Sometimes, when the world seems a little crazy we are able to escape it by using our creativity and imagination by maybe reading a book, or writing, or watching television. I'm very fortunate to use my imagination and creativity in my everyday life.

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