Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Comments for Dani: Hunter S. Thompson

What did you learn?
What was most well done?
What might have been developed more, or made more clear? Why?
What questions do you have remaining?
  • Will you explore this writer further? Why or why not?


  1. I really liked that you included the book cover and movie cover for Fear and Loathing Las Vegas. I learned what gonzo journalism was since I hadn't heard of it before.

  2. I was pleasantly surprised when I wound up learning about Gonzo journalism. The description of what that means and the success of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was very well handled. If I thought anything could stand to be fixed, she didn't seem to talk about his personal life enough for my taste. After all, our past can often be a driving force for who we are today. Moreover, if he was a crook back in the day, why did they ever bother reading anything he wrote? That said, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to someday, when I'm not necessarily doing anything important, I might try to learn more about him.

  3. I had never knew anything about Gonzo Journalism and I thought that Dani described it very well. I had never even knew that Hunter S. Thompson existed. I couldn't believe that he ran for sheriff when he was a drug user himself. I would maybe go more into his personal life next time. I think I would like to read his stuff just because the things he wrote about seem like interesting topics.

  4. I remember learning about Gonzo Journalism back in my high school journalism class, but I had forgotten all about it until this presentation. I had no idea he had been jailed for assisting in a robbery. That's pretty cool. I really have no criticisms to offer, because this was a pretty solid presentation. What on Earth could he have written for Playboy? I need to read more from him. I've seen the movies based on his books, which I loved, but now I definitely need those books in my life.

  5. I liked learning about Gonzo Journalism because I had never heard of it before. I thought it was really interesting that he spent a year with a motorcycle gang for research. It was also crazy to know that his ashes were fired out of a cannon. I need to reconsider my funeral options so that I can go out with a bang too. (See what I did there) I would have liked to know maybe a little more about his personal life, if at all possible. I'm really interested in reading his work now after hearing some of the crazy things he has done.

  6. I found it really ironic that he had assisted in a robbery and then later ran for sheriff. I had never heard of a gonzo journalist before so i found that really interesting as well.

  7. You really spiked my interest in Hunter S. Thompson. I had never heard of gonzo journalism and I'm excited to explore the genre more and maybe even try it! I also didn't know about his friendship with Johnny Depp but now that I know about it, I can definitely see them being pals. I also really liked how you explained the failed hippy era.

  8. You really spiked my interest in Hunter S. Thompson. I had never heard of gonzo journalism and I'm excited to explore the genre more and maybe even try it! I also didn't know about his friendship with Johnny Depp but now that I know about it, I can definitely see them being pals. I also really liked how you explained the failed hippy era.

  9. You really spiked my interest in Hunter S. Thompson. I had never heard of gonzo journalism and I'm excited to explore the genre more and maybe even try it! I also didn't know about his friendship with Johnny Depp but now that I know about it, I can definitely see them being pals. I also really liked how you explained the failed hippy era.

  10. I thought you did a good job grabbing our attention when it came to Hunter S. Thompson. I really want to read his work and I find it really interesting that he created his own style. I think that's what makes authors great because it's something we weren't necessarily expecting. I thought you covered a lot of information and I love that he was friends with Johnny Depp. I think their similar when it comes to their personalities and that's why he did such a great job in that movie! Good Job!

  11. This PowerPoint felt the most professional of the class. I wrote down in my notes "It felt like a real lecture. I started to panic that I wasn't paying enough attention." Everyone has trouble keeping audiences engaged, try to throw in something different in the middle of your presentations to recapture people's attention. I thought it was interesting that he was friends with Johnny Depp. I never heard of Hunter before this presentation, so it's neat to see he was good friends with a famous celebrity.


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