Part One: In this chapter, I thought that one of the most important aspects of writing non-fiction was to be ethical with your writing. It's very important to be accurate, but not put others on blast. I don't think any writer wants a lawsuit on their hands. For a class piece, the issue isn't super serious because it may just get you into trouble with a friend. However, if you plan to publish, the writer may have to decide what can be left out. I thought it was really interesting and challenging because the writer has to be truthful, but they have to make sure they don't cross a line with someone else. "the accuracy of your reporting is an issue, and the more the people you are writing about have at stake, the more you are bound to a truth that all (or most) reasonable parties can agree upon," (198). The writer has to make sure that they are ethical with their writing while still remaining honest about the events.
Part Two: I read the story "Man on the Tracks" by Erika Anderson. This is a story about a man in New York who us standing on train tracks in a busy subway. The narrator tells the rrader all of the manynthings you could do in that situation, but shows what you end up not doing. Two men try to talk to the man, then try to lift him but hes too heavy. The narrator tries tonhelp, but remembers they can barely carry groceries. They finally get the man onto the platform just before the train arrives. As the rest of the people start to get on, the man starts yelling "train." He tries to get on, but the narrator stops him and tells him he cant getnon. After the weird encounter, the narrator feels like they have to tell everyone. The people only ask a few questions before losing interest and changing the subject. I thought it was really interesting how the author putbthe reader into the story. It makes you wonder what you would do in that situation. I also liked the style and format. "I tell..." "They say..." I liked the parallels of the last paragraph, and it helped keep track of the conversation. I wanted to know more though. What happened to him? Why was he yelling "train"? Why did the narrator tell him he couldnt get on? I liked the story, but I was left with more questions than answers.
For me, personally, it's incredibly hard to be honest AND nice. I'm the kind of person who just tells it like it is; there's no filter. That's why journalism would never be my forté. I give kudos to those people who reign themselves in.