Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Journal 3 - Dani Miller

Part One:
One of the two ideas that I liked from Hugo was the one that talked about assumptions. Hugo said that "assumptions are necessary elements in a successful bas of writing operations (pg. 19). I actually went through and highlighted some of my favorite assumptions that I could possibly borrow if I ever get stuck in a piece of writing. I also really liked the exercise that he put in the book on page 30 for the final exams. Hugo was saying that while the students focused on the exercise, they were able to get over the other obstacles that were preventing them from being able to write a decent poem (pg. 31). I remember always having problems in other classes when it came to writing and sometimes I would work on something else that wasn't relevant to what I had previously worked on to get over the writer's block I had come across. I will probably be using that exercise as well if I ever get stuck in writing to help me out.

In 4GIB, I really liked the kick-starters they had for the poems. I know we didn't have to read that section, but I always like finding something that can help me with writing. This will somewhat tie into my next section on writing my own poems, but I find inspiration in other's ideas. There have been many times where I am listening to something or reading something and it inspires me to write something of my own. So to have a list of possible hints on what to write, it's nice.

Question: Do you think it's important to be worried about being recognized as a writer rather than writing something for yourself? Why or why not?

Part Two:

I will admit that I never had any formal "training" when it came to writing poems, so everything that I am learning in the books is really awesome. I did find the topic of "Triggering Towns" and how you don't know exactly what you're writing until you start writing to be a useful. There have been many times that I didn't know what I was writing until I started writing and the words just came forth. To learn that there is someone out there (Hugo) that feels that this process of writing is normal is really refreshing. I do like the kick-starts in the book and find that those will be really useful and I have already taken to using some of them. I can't remember if this was in the book or not, but I do remember coming across a piece of information that I found to be helpful: if you're ever stuck, just read someone else's work. Sometimes that will help you with whatever road block you may be having.

One of the processes that I use is I take inspiration from whatever I may be watching, reading, or listening to. There have been countless times where I would be listening to a song and find that I want to write my own interpretation to it, or expand on the story that the artist is expressing in it. But I have a lot of difficulty coming up with my own ideas and being able to flesh them out. There doesn't seem to be too many original works out there and I guess I am wanting to write something that is so unique, that no one has ever read it before. That may be a far off dream, but I'm sure as I keep writing, something will come to me.


  1. I think you should write something for yourself first and foremost (if you can get away with it). Once you start writing to get famous, I think you start to lose your voice and may not end up loving what you produce. I personally would rather write something I'm proud of and then work towards getting that recognized, instead of writing something that I don't really enjoy just for the fame.
    I also really understand where you're coming from with the original work. I have thought of that before too, but every time I think I have something crazy unique, I find thousands just like it. You'll get there! :)

  2. I'm pretty sure that no one gets formal training when it comes to writing well. You simply do it or you don't. Their is no trying it. I don't mean so sound like Yoda, but his words ring true here.

  3. Wow, your question is really though provoking. While thinking about it. I have thought "What's the point of writing if you aren't going to be recognized as a writer? If you are writing aren't you by default going to be recognized as a writer whether or not your writing is meaningful to others or not?" I guess we have to decide what defines a writer. Are you a writer if you are just writing? Or are you only a writer when your work makes an impact or has meaning? It's an interesting and debatable topic!
    I've never thought to find inspiration in other peoples writing and works. In my mind, I thought it would be stealing ideas. But now I have an open mind and have rid of that thought since. I would like to try finding inspiration when I can't seem to find it myself. I liked your blog post Dani!


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